BLACK-OWNED WORLD Plenty of hubbies the world over are waking to embrace this dream, this lifestyle of ours. Plenty of couples, not just in the U. S. of A., but as far as England, the countries of Europe, Saudi Arabia, India, and all other Asian countries, including lovely Australia. Just like the aftermath of a giant mushroom cloud of explosion, the reverberation is spreading like wildfire to even the most remote places in the world. More and more couples are coming out of their hiding places, learning to discover that such ideas and desires aren't just left to rot in their heads. More white bois of all ages are seeing the reality of what’s before them. This is something they've always wanted for themselves but simply knew not how to ask for it, let alone even voice out the notion to others. The idea that plenty of white couples can become open and plain with their submissive desires, that more and more hubbies are looking into themselves an...