Take a Selfie

Take a selfie photo of yourself in the arms of your lover. Take several of both of you sharing a kiss, of him founding your tits and helping you out of your clothes. Take a snapshot of his erection: of your hand wrapped around his throbbing rod, and when he lays you down about to have sex, take another of his cock right as he’s about slipping inside you. After the sex is over, while you’re both resting to get your strength back possibly for another round, forward those photos to your cuck. Include a naughty text in the photos and chuckle at the apparent glee you can expect from him once he sees what you’ve sent him. Every Hotwife deserves a trophy collection. Something to showcase her black cock exploits. It gets better when she knows it’s going to be well kept by her husband. The husband/boyfriend – her cuck – desires such exploits to keep him in the know of her transformation. It as well serves to prove home the point that of his wife...