A Christian Wife's Choice

A lot of husbands will thrive better as long as they remember this golden rule: When it comes to Cuckoldry, your wife is expected to know. How else would you expect her to successful cuck you if she isn’t aware? Or put it this way, how else would you expect to carry out a successful cuckold adventure with your wife/girlfriend if she is clueless about this being on your mind this entire time? Yes, there lies the fear of rejection: Would she say yes, or would she think I’m crazy and tell me to go to hell? There is no reason to say she won’t on either. What matters is how best you carry on with communicating this idea to her. Even if she says no, as she’s expected to say, doesn’t mean the conversation should end there. For many wives, the reality of this desire is bound to gradually dawn on them once the realise such actually does exist out there. That innate desire of wanting to explore outside their marriage ...