Mom and Daughter Share a Lover

The basketball game had concluded when Gerald switch the channel to one of Natural Geography. There were Pay-Per-View channels available, but none was of NSFW variety, which was a shame. He felt the pressing urge to jerk off to something. He could hear the sex coming from the bedroom. He thought he caught wind of Eloise, but it was hard to tell whom Jerome was attending to at the moment. Gerald was sitting there and sweating, counting off the seconds in his wristwatch. Five minutes. That was one rule Jerome gave him when it came time to fucking Eloise. He should stay outside the bedroom for five minutes before venturing inside. That gave Jerome and Eloise enough time to be comfortable. Gerald was submissive enough to keep to that rule, though this time around he was desperately itching for the minute to tick faster. His daughter Greta was in there with her husband Jerome, and her mother. What ...