Know Your Place in the Black New World Order!

Know your place, white bois! White boys are becoming cuckolds at record rates because of deep seeded interracial porn addiction developed during the digital age. Their entire basis of sexuality is continuously watching African men fuck young and fertile white women, and rarely if ever actively participating. Because of this repetitive portrayal driven by every form of media, the cuckold phenomenon will become even more pervasive for the generation that has come of age and become sexually aware growing up with unprecedented access to the newer and more sophisticated mobile phones in addition to tablets and so many other other devices. The white genocide is only beginning. This is the new normal for white boys who masturbate to a lot of interracial porn while all of the pretty young white girls are sucking and fucking big black cocks, and most of the girls being promoted the most are often the prettiest blonds that match their ideal fantasy image. So whenever...