Being Black-Owned

Being Black-Owned I can understand the percentage of couples, single women or hubbies who've got no desire wanting any of this for themselves. I even applaud them for making the decision. For the ones who're still considering, and the others wanting to know more, I guess some measure of explanation is required. A lot might consider the term 'Black-Owned' as something akin to slavery. That's far from the truth. It is and at the same time it isn't. Slavery means involving/punishing someone under your dominating power regardless of cause humanitarian reason. In other words, slavery rules out the right of choice. Being 'Black-Owned' involves choice: the slut woman/white boi/white couple choose to want themselves become totally immense in submission to their Black bull. The Black bull thus assumes the role of being a Black Master over them. It’s a choice that starts out with a form of desire: when the slut wife realizes what she's been ...