What the Cuckold Wants, Pt. One

" It is simply a thrill without compare to watch your wife getting fucked by Her Lover. " (Happy cuckold). Most cuckolds are kind and considerate husbands and say they love their wives and want them to be sexually satisfied "more than anything else in the world." One cuckold hubby said "it is a real release of pressure to know that my wife is getting sexually satisfied by Her Lover in a way that I couldn't do it." Another said he wanted nothing more than his sexy wife "to be fucked properly." Though the wife's sexual satisfaction is paramount, most cuckold hubbies want to get something out of it too. If there was one thing that emerged over and over in surveys and discussions, it was how cuckolds want to participate, if sometimes only indirectly, in their wives' hot liaisons with Her Lover(s). Watching, listening, licking, sucking, and sometimes participating jointly turn many on, even if it is only "sloppy second...